Power Supply Development for Laser and Piezo
Development of Power Electronics
EBS-SYSTART GmbH develops customer-specific power supplies especially for laser and piezo applications up to 16 kW. Our power supplies are used in various applications:
- CO2 laser (fast and slow flow) up to 16kW
- Piezo Amplifier Recharging/Charge Recovery z.B. 7A/1000V > 1kHz
- Piezo Amplifier Linear e.g. 2A/500V @ 4kHz
- Plasma Amplifier DC up to 30kV and 10kW
- Spectrum Analyzer e.g. 1200V/100mA DC
- Electrostatic Filter up to 30kV und 4kW
We have many years of experience in the development of customer-specific power electronics. For your high-voltage and high-current application, we develop efficient and tailor-made switching power supplies.
The switching power supplies can be equipped with any interfaces and can therefore be easily integrated into your customer-specific system. See also here Hardware-Entwicklung.
All switching power supplies are developed, produced, commissioned and maintained by EBS-SYSTART GmbH.
We look forward to your inquiry.
Your EBS-SYSTART team.